
Welcome to our Shoebox Cafe Blog! Join our community! Here we share creative Art & Craft ideas for you to try at home! We love everything homemade :) Share your creations with us too by sending us your tips, recipes or pictures and we will create a post for you and share using our social media links.

Monday, 1 December 2014


Do you keep a shoebox under your bed for keeping memories still or do you rely on social media and apps to store your things? Technology is great, but I miss the days where I put in effort to send a letter or a postcard to a loved one. Now it seems, more likely that my friendship communications have become like buttons and comments on screen. I agree that the immediacy and convenience of this method is useful BUT...are we losing/forgetting authentic, real communication? Texting instead of calling? Emailing quickly instead of writing out a thoughtful handwritten letter? In fact, when was the last time you used a pen? Really think about it. Education is developing at such a fast rate with technology...one day...will we be even teaching handwriting? Will writing become a historic artform?

What do you think? We'd love to hear your thoughts...

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